
Saturday, September 5, 2009

I-Park Residency - 9/4/09

I missed yesterday. So I will try and make it up. I'm finding I get up the latest of the group at 9:30. It's crazy.

So I got a welder yesterday but I had to go by parts for it at a local welding shop. I did not realize that dirt roads were still considered active county roads, so I took the scenic route (got lost) and what should have been a 20min drive turned out to be an hour and a half. It was nice to be able to explore a little. Once I got the part I drove back and we all had lunch together. It's really excellent to be able to have lunch with a group and talk, laugh, and inform each other about each other. After lunch I began welding. I've got 4 out of the 9 pieces welded together. I might need more which is a little unsettling but I'll make due. I'm looking forward to carrying out my work to the site as soon as I can.

I took a little break from all the smoke and noise and took a walk to the pond and paddled out onto the water and just drifted there in the center of the lake for a 1/2 hour. It was quite excellent.

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