
Monday, September 13, 2010

Show Opening and Artist Reception at Krowswork, Oakland, CA

My show opened on Saturday, September 11, 2010. It was amazing. I had a lot of fun and I think people really enjoyed the work. I received a lot of positive response to the works. It was nice because these works were definitely a new direction for me as well and I haven't show photos in a professional setting yet. Here is a link to a facebook photo album of the opening. I will post photos of actual works as soon as I photograph them.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Solo Show

I am having my first solo show at a gallery called Krowswork in Oakland, CA. The opening is Saturday, September 11, 2010 from 6-9pm. I will post pics once the show is up as to not spoil the surprise. Come to the opening to see what all the hype is about.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chemin d'Art 7/7/10

Worked more today. finished a majority of the main element of the installation. worked from 9am till 10:45pm. My two assistants worked very hard today. It was in the mid 90's and we had to work in the sun all day long. I've never worked this hard on a sculpture. I am pretty worn out. 
My friend Anne has been trying to teach me French on our lunch breaks. I'm very slowly slowly learning.
Attached are some working pictures and some pics of my piece and my chapel at night. I have a light that I incorporated into my piece.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Chemin d'Art Residency - Saint-Flour, France

Well I made it to France. It took me 48 hours and ton of waiting and traveling, but I made it to the residency. It's great here. We are staying in an old dormitory for the priests and nuns of the Catholic church of the city. It looks out on the valley of that surrounds the town. Saint-Flour is situated on a bluff made of Basalt. It's quite the quintessential medival town (equipped with its own McDonalds in the more modern part of the city). I have been here a week so I will try and catch everyone up. 
I arrived, as I stated earlier, after 48 hours of travel (I arrived at midnight here). The Following day I got sick halfway through the day with a fever, coughing, sinus stuff, headache, chest stuff and muscle aches. I am still getting over it 5 days later.
It was oppressively hot during the first 3 days of work in which I had a fever. It was around 95 degrees. 
I took saturday easy and just finished up the basic framework of the structure that will support the branches.

On Sunday I took the day off and went hiking with one of my new friends. It was quite nice. I was glad to get into the mountains away from the heat. I got to eat blueberries in the mountains. 

Today is now monday and I have begun to apply the branches to the structure. All seems to be going well. 
I have an assistant named "Emanuel" who is very  helpful. He is a college student helping out for the event. He has been de-leafing branches for the last 3 days, 8 hours a day in the direct sun. Poor dude. He is a world of help. My friend Anne has also been a world of help as I speak no French. She helps me translate as well as helps me run errands  and introduces me around the town. She works for the residency. I don't know what I would do without her.
The Other artists are all very cool people. I enjoy talking to them. Communication is my favorite part because I don't have the skills to communicate with most of them but listening and watching them interact has given me the ability to understand what everyone is saying....or at least the gist of it. 
I think that's all for now. I will post more details about each new day now that I am caught up.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New work at SOMArts for the month of May

So I'll be participating in an exhibition titled "(Re)-Claim with 5 other artists at SOMArts in San Francisco. The opening is May 6, 2010 from 5-8pm. I'll be showing my three newest works that I have just recently created. They are titled: "Relic", "Hybrid Interactions", and "A Form Derived from a Constructed Landscape". Click on the links to view the works on my website. I am very excited by the show and am very pleased with the works I am showing.

Coming up at the end of June I will be leaving to go to Saint-Flour, France for 2 weeks to create a site-specific installation in the town. I will be updating daily with progress pics as well as travel stuff.

That's all for now. Check out the new work.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kent Lake. A potential photo location for my solo show.

So I was exploring around the San Francisco Bay Area for a location to shoot a photo series for my solo show that I am having in September. I found this reservoir that supplies Marin County with water. It is a very strange and beautiful place. The reservoir is a very dead place and desolate location that is surrounded by lush trees and forest. Giant limbless trees jut out from the surface of the water like black cathedral spires. The edges of the lake are lined with dead branches and burned out carcasses of trees. The water is below the its normal water line leaving a border surrounding the lake were no trees grow, leaving only grass. As the water level rises quickly during these winter months, the water envelops the grass growing on the shore. You can see them below the surface of the water caught in some sort of ghostly stasis. All in all a very strange place. I've posted a few photos of the area to give you an idea of what is looks like.